Police and Firefighter First Class Officer Salaries (SEA 185) 7 Articles
SEA 185 modified the definition of a first-class patrolman or first-class firefighter salary (first-class officer salary). Effective July 1, 2023, IC 36-8-1-11(a)(2) defines first-class officer salary as “service of more than twenty (20) years but not more than twenty-five (25) years if provided as a result of the meet and confer process under IC 36-8-22; but does not include remuneration or allowances for fringe benefits, incentive pay, holiday pay, insurance, clothing, automobiles, firearms, education, overtime, or compensatory time off."
- What is the difference between longevity pay of up to 20 years versus longevity pay of 20 to not more than 25 years if done through the meet and confer process?
- Which certified salary is used for a 77 Fund member’s retirement benefit—the certified salary from the year of hire or the one during the year the member ended active service?
- What is a longevity increase?
- What constitutes (who qualifies) as a “First-Class Patrolman or Firefighter?”
- Can we include clothing allowances in the certified salary figure for a first-class officer?
- What is the definition of a base salary for first-class officers?
- What changed regarding the salary of a first-class patrolman or firefighter as of July 1, 2023?