BNY Mellon (BNYM) Transition Info 11 Articles
Information regarding the vendor change for INPRS benefit payments.
- Who is BNY Mellon?
- Why is INPRS transitioning to BNY Mellon?
- Will I need to create a new login to access my payments?
- When is the transition to BNY Mellon taking place?
- If I want to update my personal information, do I have to do so before the transition to BNY Mellon?
- Will I still receive my payments on the same dates after the transition to BNY Mellon?
- Will I still have access to the old benefit payment area after the transition to BNY Mellon?
- Will the change to BNY Mellon affect my direct deposit payments?
- Will this transition to BNY Mellon change my benefits?
- If I live in a different state some of the time, how does the change in payment vendors impact me?
- Where can I find my 2023 1099-R?