INPRS Retirement Account Investments 94 Articles
Answers to questions related to PERF, TRF, and LE defined contribution plan account investing, such as available investment options, member account tools, common investing terms, and more.
- What is a defined contribution account?
- What are my retirement account investment options?
- Where do I find my quarterly member statement online?
- What are stocks?
- What are bonds?
- What are commodities?
- What is an expense ratio?
- What is diversification?
- What is risk tolerance?
- What is compound interest?
- What is a time horizon?
- What is asset allocation?
- What do I need to know about asset allocation?
- What are the different kinds of investment risk?
- What level of risk does each investment fund have?
- How should I invest my retirement account?
- Where can I go to review my investments?
- What is the investment objective of the Stable Value Fund?
- What are Target Date Funds?
- Why did the Target Date Fund glide path change as of July 1, 2023?
- I'm not currently in a Target Date Fund, but should I be?
- How do I know what Target Date Fund is the best for me?
- What does the Target Date Fund name mean?
- What is the investment objective of the Target Date Funds?
- What Target Date Funds are available to me?
- Why did INPRS divest from Chinese investments?
- What is a “glide path?”
- What is the difference between investing "to retirement" vs. "through retirement"?
- What is the difference between active and passive investment management?
- What is the Stable Value Fund?