INPRS Members
FAQs for working and retired members of INPRS plans.
INPRS Plan Membership
- Why does my 1099-R have the wrong county listed?
- How do I find my INPRS Pension Identification (PID) number?
- How do I log in to the self-service website?
- What should I do if I can't find my PIN?
- What do I do if I never received my PIN?
- What if I don’t know my username and password to log on to my PERF or TRF account?
INPRS Retirement Account Investments
- What is a defined contribution account?
- What are my retirement account investment options?
- Where do I find my quarterly member statement online?
- What are stocks?
- What are bonds?
- What are commodities?
INPRS Retirement Planning and Eligibility
- How can snow days affect teachers who are ready to retire?
- When can I retire from PERF or TRF?
- How do I choose a retirement date?
- When do I get my retirement benefit?
- What is my TRF pension benefit?
- How do I retire from the Teachers' Retirement Fund?
PERF Hybrid & My Choice Plans
- Do you have a video that shows the difference between the PERF Hybrid and My Choice plans for state of Indiana employees?
- Do you have a video that shows the difference between the PERF Hybrid and My Choice plans for employees of political subdivisions?
- I’m a member of the PERF My Choice plan and I am not yet vested in all of my employer contributions. How much of my balance could I have access to?
- What’s the difference between the PERF Hybrid plan and the My Choice: Retirement Savings Plan?
- Will my investment options remain the same now that the ASA Only plan is the My Choice: Retirement Savings Plan?
- When did the name change from ASA Only to PERF My Choice: Retirement Savings Plan happen?
TRF Hybrid & My Choice Plans
- What is the difference between the TRF Hybrid and My Choice plans?
- Are substitute teachers eligible to enroll?
- Does the gross annual payroll percentage remain the same or does it change?
- What happens if an employee fails to make an election in TRF Hybrid or TRF My Choice: Retirement Savings Plan?
- How much can employers pay into the TRF My Choice: Retirement Savings Plan?
- Do all employers have to pay the TRF My Choice plan supplemental rate?
Annual Member Statements
- What does the “reduced benefits” section of my annual member statement mean?
- Where on my annual member statement can I find out how much my employer is contributing to my defined contribution account?
- Why do I need to know my average rate of return compared to the average 12-month inflation rate?
- What does the “total purchased service credits” section of my annual member statement mean?
- How often will I receive my annual member statement?
- My personal information in my annual member statement (AMS) is not accurate. How do I change this information?
INPRS Annuity Information
- What is the cash refund feature?
- Do I have to purchase an annuity through MetLife?
- What should I consider before purchasing an annuity?
- What fees are associated with annuitizing with MetLife?
- Does the MetLife quoted annuity amount include a commission?
- Has INPRS outsourced management of DC accounts to MetLife?
Retirement Medical Benefits Account (RMBA)
- What is the Retirement Medical Benefits Account plan?
- Who has a Retirement Medical Benefits Account?
- How do I enroll in the Retirement Medical Benefits Account plan?
- How do I register to access my RMBA benefits?
- Do I have to make contributions into the RMBA?
- Is an HRA the same as the RMBA?
BNY Mellon (BNYM) Transition Info
- Who is BNY Mellon?
- Why is INPRS transitioning to BNY Mellon?
- Will I need to create a new login to access my payments?
- When is the transition to BNY Mellon taking place?
- If I want to update my personal information, do I have to do so before the transition to BNY Mellon?
- Will I still receive my payments on the same dates after the transition to BNY Mellon?
INPRS Debit Cards
- Will there be fees if I use my INPRS debit card?
- What's the difference between my account at and
- What if I don’t see a benefit on my INPRS debit card?
- What happens if I don’t activate my INPRS debit card?
- What should I do with my INPRS debit card if I switch to direct deposit?
- Can I use my INPRS debit card outside of the U.S.?