To receive your reimbursement, you must send documentation along with a signed claim form to KBA to the address or fax number listed below.
Documentation and forms must be submitted no later than 90 days after the end of the plan year, which is from July 1 to June 30, in which the expenses were paid after they were incurred. An expense will be “incurred” when the premium is incurred and paid by the retired participant or their covered dependent.
Proper documentation should include a bill or receipt showing the type of insurance, the name of the provider, your full name and/or the spouse or covered dependent, the month(s) covered, and the amount of the premium and proof of payment. You may also choose to upload these documents through the FlexPro mobile app or through your online account.
FlexPro Key Benefit Administrators
P.O. Box 55210
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Fax: 866-241-1488
To receive your reimbursement, you can either choose direct deposit or receive a check in the mail. To enroll in direct deposit, you will receive documentation in the mail that you will need to fill out. If you choose not to fill out the documentation for direct deposit, you will be mailed a check.